Scientific Sessions

Papers will be presented either in oral sessions or in poster sessions. Most sessions consist of invited and contributed papers. For accepted papers, a final decision on the style of presentation (oral, poster) will be made by the Session Conveners and the Program Committee. Session Codes, Session Titles, and Session Conveners are listed below. Please refer to the 2nd Call for Papers (PDF) for the "keywords" of each session.

The Session Code consists of the code of the URSI Commission (A-K) responsible for the session, followed by the code(s) of the other URSI Commission(s) organizing jointly the session and a serial number to identify the session.

Commission A: Electromagnetic Metrology

Code Title Conveners
A1Calibration and Dissemination in Electromagnetic Metrology (ATF2010 Joint Session) (Y. Koyama (Japan) and P. Banerjee (India))
A2Microwave Frequency Standards (ATF2010 Joint Session) (T. Morikawa (Japan) and T. Y. Kwon (South Korea))
A3Optical Frequency Standards (ATF2010 Joint Session) (T. Ido (Japan) and K. L. Gao (China (CIE)))
ABElectromagnetic Measurement and Standards (K. Shimaoka (Japan) and J. H. Kim (South Korea))
ADOptical Frequency Measurement (ATF2010 Joint Session) (M. Kajita and F.-L. Hong (Japan))
AFGTime and Frequency Transfer (ATF2010 Joint Session) (M. Imae (Japan) and B. Warrington (Australia))

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Commission B: Fields and Waves

Code Title Conveners
B1Electromagnetic Theory (Yu. V. Shestopalov (Sweden) and A. Komiyama (Japan))
B2Guided Waves (S. Kahng (South Korea) and M. Tsuji (Japan))
B3Intelligent Antennas (B. K. Lau (Sweden) and K. Ogawa (Japan))
B4Media Effects in Electromagnetics (L.-W. Li (Singapore) and M. Tanaka (Japan))
B5Scattering and Diffraction (T. Ishihara and K. Tanaka (Japan))
BCKBody Area Networks (T. Uno and J. Wang (Japan))
BEFKComputational Techniques and EM Field Simulator (W. C. Chew (China (CIE)) and S. Ohnuki (Japan))

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Commission C: Signals and Systems

Code Title Conveners
CBDEFK1Radio Technology for Social Safety and Security (T. Ohira and S. Aikawa (Japan))
CBDEFK2Standardization Activities in Radio Science (Y. Takatori (Japan) and M. Cheong (South Korea))
CBDFGreen Radio Technologies (K. Okada and R.Fujimoto (Japan))
CBDFKNovel Radio Communication Systems (Y. Suzuki (Japan) and G. Dietl (Germany))
CBF1Cognitive and Software Defined Radio Systems (S. Hara (Japan) and K. Lee (South Korea))
CBF2Radio Signal Processing toward Shannon Limits (K. Fukawa (Japan) and L. Chen (China (CIE)))
CBHWireless Power Transmission from Space (N. Shinohara (Japan) and B. Shishkov (Bulgaria))
CDTheoretical Analysis and Synthesis of Analog RF Circuits (T. Ohira (Japan) and T. Angkaew (Thailand))

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Commission D: Electronics and Photonics

Code Title Conveners
D1Advanced Electronic Devices and Circuits for Ubiquitous Wireless (Y. Kado and M. Fujishima (Japan))
D2Trends in Electronic/Photonic Devices and Circuits (Y. Umeda and S. Fukushima (Japan))
DC1Meta-materials and Their Applications (E. Sano and A. Sanada (Japan))
DC2Microwave Photonics Technology (H. Toda (Japan) and T. A. Nirmalathas (Australia))
DC3Terahertz-wave Technology (T. Otsuji (Japan) and T. Kleine-Ostmann (Gernamy))

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Commission E: Electromagnetic Noise and Interference

Code Title Conveners
E1EMC Problems in PLC (Y. Akiyama and M. Tokuda (Japan))
E2EMC Problems in Printed Circuit Boards (H. Inoue (Japan) and T.-L. Wu (China (SRS)))
E3Lightning and Discharge in EMC (X. Qie (China (CIE)) and K. Kawamata (Japan))
E4Shielding, Grounding, and Absorber Design (K. Hatakeyama (Japan) and M. Koledintseva (USA))
EAMeasurement Techniques Including EMC Compliance (Y. Matsumoto and I. Wu (Japan))
ECEMC Problems in Wire and Wireless Communication Systems (R. Kobayashi (Japan) and A. Zeddam (France))

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Commission F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing

Code Title Conveners
F1Remote Sensing of Subsurface Objects and Landmine Detection (M. Sato (Japan) and S.-Y. Kim (South Korea))
F2Remote Sensing of the Earth and Planetary Atmosphere (T. Manabe (Japan))
F3Remote Sensing of the Earth and Planetary Surfaces (Including Earthquake Detection and Prediction) (T. Moriyama (Japan) and W.-M. Boerner (USA))
F4Satellite and Terrestrial Propagation (Y. Maekawa (Japan))
FBMillimeter, Sub-millimeter, and Terahertz Propagation (A. Sato (Japan))
FBC1MIMO Channel Sounding and Modeling (J. Takada (Japan))
FBC2Mobile Propagation (H. Iwai (Japan))

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Commission G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation

Code Title Conveners
GEH1Electromagnetic Phenomena Related with Earthquake and Volcanic Activities (K. Hattori (Japan) and J. Y. Liu (China (SRS)))
GEH2Lightning and Lightning Effects on Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Plasmasphere (M. Sato (Japan) and A. B. Chen (China (SRS)))
GFH1Coupling of Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere (T. Abe (Japan) and A. W. Yau (Canada))
GFH2Ionospheric Irregularities and Disturbances and Their Effects on Radio Applications (A. Saito (Japan) and M. A. Abdu (Brazil))

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Commission H: Waves in Plasmas

Code Title Conveners
HBCGNew Instrumentation and Observation Techniques for Space and Planetary Sciences (H. Misawa and H. Kojima (Japan))
HFGData Assimilation and Modeling of Ionosphere, Plasmasphere and Magnetosphere (Y. Miyoshi and S. Nakano (Japan))
HG1Advanced Theory and Computer Simulations in Space Plasmas (T. Nakamura (Japan) and S. W. Y. Tam (China (SRS)))
HG2Wave Propagation and Wave-particle Interactions in Solar-terrestrial and Planetary Environment (Y. Katoh (Japan) and G. Lakhina (India))

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Commission J: Radio Astronomy

Code Title Conveners
J1Large Telescope in East Asia and Possible Array Connection (H. Kobayashi (Japan) and Z.-Q. Shen (China (CIE)))
J2Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter-wave Telescope and Array (S. Iguchi (Japan) and N. Ohashi (China (SRS)))
J3Radio Astronomy in Space and on the Moon (T. Iwata and H. Matsuo (Japan))
JADOptical Fiber Connection of Radio Telescopes (M. Sekido (Japan) and C. Phillips (Australia))
JCDUltra Wideband Receiver and the Applications (N. Kawaguchi (Japan))
JERadio Frequency Interference (M. Ohishi (Japan) and T. Tzioumis (Australia))

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Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine

Code Title Conveners
K1Biological Effects (DC, ELF) (M. Ikehata (Japan) and J.-S. Lee (South Korea))
K2Biological Effects (RF) (J. Miyakoshi (Japan) and Vijayalaxmi (USA))
K3Biomedical Application of EM Energy (H. Matsuki (Japan) and N. Kim (South Korea))
KAEAssessment of Human Exposure to EMF (K. Yamazaki (Japan) and Y.-M. Gim (South Korea))
KB1Bioimaging (Y. Jinbo and K. Iramina (Japan))
KB2EM Theory for Biomedical Application (K. Ito and Q. Chen (Japan))
KBCNumerical Dosimetry for Wireless Communications (A. Hirata (Japan) and J.-K. Pack (South Korea))
KEElectromagnetic Interference with Medical Equipment (Y. Tarusawa (Japan) and W. Kainz (USA))

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Union Session:

Code Title Conveners
URadio Science Activities in the Asia-Pacific Area (M. Krairiksh (Thailand) and K. Itoh (Japan))

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