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2014 URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting (URSI-JRSM 2014)

Date and Time: 9:00-18:30, Monday, September 8, 2014 (registration will start at 8:00)
Venue: Room 5534, 5th Floor, Building No. 5, Korakuen Campus, Chuo University (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan)



Opening Ceremony

MC: Yoshiharu Omura (Chair, URSI-JRSM 2014 Technical Program Committee)

Opening Address:
Kazuya Kobayashi (URSI-JRSM 2014 General Chair; President, Japan National Committee of URSI; Vice Chair, Commission B, URSI)
YasushiIshii (Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, Japan)
Lou-Chuang Lee (President, China (SRS) National Committee of URSI)



Keynote Lecture 1

Chair: Hiroshi Shirai (Commission B Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Debatosh Guha (University of Calcutta, India)
New Techniques Leading to Advanced Designs of New Generation Antennas



Invited Talk 1

Chair: Yasuhiko Jimbo (Commission K Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Masao Taki (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Possible Health Risk of Electromagnetic Fields: Status Quo and the Way Forward



Coffee Break (15 minutes)



Invited Talk 2

Chair: Hiroshi Shirai (Commission B Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Hisamatsu Nakano (Hosei University, Japan)
Natural and Metamaterial-Concept Antennas



Invited Talk 3

Chair: Masahiro Morikura (Commission C Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Iwao Hosako (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
Recent R&D Trend of Communication Technologies using Terahertz-Band



Invited Talk 4

Chair: Tadao Nagatsuma (Commission D Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Naoto Yoshimoto (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Impacton Society and Industry due to Fusion of Light and Radio Waves in Future Information Communication Technologies



Commission Business Meetings
Participants can join the meeting as observers.  Lunch should be arranged by themselves. 



Keynote Lecture 2

Chair: Mamoru Yamamoto (Commission G Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Lou-Chuang Lee (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Ionosphere Density Variations and Generation of ULF Waves Driven by the Lithosphere and Thunderstorm Dynamos



Invited Talk 5

Chair: Masao Taki (Past Chair, URSI Commission K)

Osami Wada (Kyoto University, Japan)
Evaluation and Simulation of Electromagnetic Interference to Digital Broadcasting and Communication



Invited Talk 6

Chair: Yasuyuki Maekawa (Commission F Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Toshio Iguchi (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
Spaceborne Precipitation Radar: From TRMM to GPM



Invited Talk 7

Chair: Mamoru Yamamoto (Commission G Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Takashi Maruyama (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
Contribution of GNSS Radio Signals to Ionospheric Research



Coffee Break (15 minutes)



Keynote Lecture 3

Chair: Masao Taki (Past Chair, URSI Commission K)

Shoogo Ueno (The University of Tokyo / Kyushu University, Japan)
Studying the Brain by Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine



Invited Talk 8

Chair: Yoshiharu Omura (CommissionH  Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Yuto Katoh (Tohoku University, Japan)
Plasma Wave Emissions and Particle Acceleration in Planetary Magnetospheres



Invited Talk 9

Chair: Kenta Fujisawa (Commission J Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Satoru Iguchi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan)
Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, ALMA



Invited Talk 10

Chair: Mitsuru Musha (Commission A Chair, Japan National Committee of URSI)

Hidetoshi Katori (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Reading 18th Decimal Places of Time with Optical Lattice Clocks
18:30 Closing




MC:Yasuhiro Koyama (Chair, URSI Commission A)

Welcome Address:
Yoshiharu Omura (Chair, URSI-JRSM 2014 Technical Program Committee)
Toshinari Kamakura (Director, Institute of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, Japan)
Debatosh Guha (Commission B Chair, India National Committee of URSI)

Toast: Makoto Ando (URSI Vice-President)
Closing Address: Shoogo Ueno (Past Chair, URSI Commission K)

※Keynote Lecture :45 minutes, Invited Lecture :30 minutes