URSI-Japan Centennial Celebration Symposium 1922-2022

Progress in Radio Science Research in Japan and the 100 Years Activities of the Japan National Committee of URSI (URSI-JPN CCS)


・Date and time: 10:00-18:35, Saturday, November 12, 2022(JST)


・Venue: Auditorium, Science Council of Japan (SCJ), Tokyo, Japan


Please note that the maximum capacity for “in-person” and “online” participations is the following (first-come-first-served basis):

         - In-person mode at SCJ Auditorium: 250 participants

         - Online mode: 500 participants


New Abstracrt book of the Symposium,

            please refer to the PDF file below.

                   Program & Abstract Book of URSI-JPN CCS 1922-2022 (PDF file)


・ For detailed information of the symposium (program etc.),

            please refer to the PDF file below.

                  Detailed information of URSI-JPN CCS 1922-2022 (PDF file)


・SCJ Home Page:

  https://www.scj.go.jp/en/index.html (English)

  https://www.scj.go.jp/ (Japanese)


・Access to SCJ:



・For any inquiries, please contact:

  Kazuya Kobayashi, Chair, URSI-JPN CCS Steering Committee

  Satoshi Yagitani, Co-Chair, URSI-JPN CCS Steering Committee


The official language at the Symposium is English. Details of the Symposium are posted on the URSI-Japan website at:

http://www.ursi.jp/index.html (English)

http://www.ursi.jp/japanese.html (Japanese)


Please complete the Registration Form below and send it to us at your earliest convenience but before 12:00 noon, November 10, 2022 (JST).


Registration Form :  https://forms.gle/H2WqNsEac5ywG5Lv9

 (The Regitration Fee is free)