The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) and NAOJ operate the VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP), which is the first space VLBI project run by international collaboration of radio observatories and space agencies. Three NAOJ telescopes, i.e. the 45-m, 10-m and the 6-m telescopes, are sometimes combined to perform the Japanese VLBI network (JNET), which often includes the 34-m telescope of the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), the Ministry of Post and Tele-communications in Kashima. CRL also operates a four station VLBI network around Tokyo metropolitan area.
Nagoya University and the Institute of Astronomy, University of Tokyo, run the 4-m and the 60-cm telescopes, respectively, to make large-scale CO survey observations of molecular clouds. They both built the second telescopes to observe the Southern Hemisphere sources, and brought them to Chile. Waseda University has completed the 64-element interferometer for monitoring transient radio sources. The Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, has started the Mt. Fuji Submillimeter Telescope Project in collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Science and NRO. Radio observations on the Solar System have been conducted at the Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory in Nagoya University, CRL, and Hyogo College of Medicine.
NAOJ has been proposing the Large Millimeter and Submillimeter Array (LMSA), and conducting its feasibility study and site testing in Chile. International collaboration to merge the similar projects proposed by US and Europe is under discussion. NAOJ has been promoting the VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) project, a dedicated VLBI array for radio astrometry.
A series of radio holography measurements and readjustments of the surface panels of NMA antennas has improved the surface accuracy; 46 micron rms for the new 6th antenna in 1996 and 80 micron rms for the other five antennas in 1997. In order to make wide-band observations, the first intermediate frequency of NMA has been changed from L-band to 5-7 GHz band. The receiver and IF transmission system was renewed accordingly in 1996. A new digital ultra wide-band correlator (1 GHz) and an FX-type correlator (32 MHz) have been routinely used for NMA observations since December 1996. Receivers at 230 GHz were installed on NMA antennas and have been used for observations since January 1998. A new experimental array, named as Rainbow Array with the 45-m and six NMA antennas, has been used to make high sensitivity mapping observations at both 3- and 2-mm bands.
CRL started the Key Stone Project (KSP) since 1995. The project is to monitor local crustal deformation in the Tokyo metropolitan area using a four-station VLBI, LLR, and GPS networks. The VLBI data are transferred to the correlator by optical fiber and processed in real time manner. Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) has built and been operating a five-station VLBI network for geodetic aims. CRL and NAOJ have developed a Giga-bit bandwidth VLBI recording system, and first fringes were detected. Real time VLBI system using 256-Mbps optical fiber network has been developed by CRL, NAOJ, and ISAS.
Using the twin telescope the Galactic plane survey has been made for the first and forth quadrants. Both of the two halves of the Galactic plane survey show systematic decreasing with the galacto-centric radius in the CO J=2-1/J=1-0 line intensity ratio. Several molecular clouds, such as the Rosetta nebula, eta Car, Taurus, and Cepheus regions, were observed. Molecular clouds in Pereus arm and the Galactic center region were also observed. The results for these regions show variety of physical states of molecular gas in the Galaxy. Several positions in the LMC were also observed.
The astronomical observations have been carried out since September 1996. A CO J=1-0 survey of Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) has been made. This survey first revealed the existence of more than 100 Giant Molecular Clouds with a linear spatial resolution of ~40 pc. The CO survey observations of the Galactic objects have been also carried out. These observations include southern dark clouds (Lupus, Ophiuchus, Chamaeleon, Southern Coalsack, Aquila, etc.), Giant Molecular Clouds (Carina, Vela, S35, S37, etc.), and High Latitude Clouds. We also found what we call the "Carina Super Shell," which is the first detected super shell in the Galaxy with Giant Molecular Clouds and the induced star formation. The operation frequency will be extended to the sub-mm region in a few years.
First five spherical dish antennas of 20 m in diameter are under construction for Huge Pulsar Array project in Nasu Pulsar Observatory at Nasu (160 km north of Tokyo). Observing frequency is at 1.4 GHz with the HEMT receiver temperature of 40 K at normal temperature. A (2+1+2)D FFT processor has been developed for pulsar survey and timing observation [Daishido et al. 1996]. A (2+1)D FFT processor, spatial-temporal FFT processing, is a conceptual extension of above Digital lens. The total 16 x 16 x 256 complex data in spatial and temporal space could be Fourier transformed to (16 x 16)-pixel x 256-ch momentum and frequency space at Nyquist rate of 50 nano sec.
Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) has been employed for solar wind studies at the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University. A computer assisted tomography (CAT) technique has been developed to obtain unbiased solar wind parameters from the IPS measurements [Asai et al., 1998, Kojima et al. 1998]. Using the CAT analysis technique, the origin of low-speed solar wind and latitudinal velocity structure [Kojima et al. 1998] have been studied. Electron density profile in solar wind acceleration regions has been investigated using the IPS CAT technique [Yokobe et al. 1998] and theoretical simulation [Yamauchi et al. 1998].
An increasing number of studies toward the IRAS sources embedded in the molecular clouds have been performed at Nobeyama. Ramesh et al. [1997] calculated the self-reversed line profiles of HCO+ and CS, and their isotopic species in IRAS 18507+0121. They concluded the presence of cold intervening screen in front of the hot core. Yonekura et al. [1998] studied the Head-Tail structure and outflow associated with IRAS 22103+5828 in the molecular cloud S134. Chen et al. [1996] mapped the CS and continuum emission with NMA and identified the structure within 0.1 pc of the IRAS 05338-0624 in the dark cloud L164N. Yang et al. [1995] mapped the CS J=2-1 line and found an elongated structure of the 0.14 pc x 0.08 pc at the position of IRAS 00338+6312 in the dark cloud L1287. Yonekura et al. [1997] studied a large scale structure at the Cepheus and Cassiopeia regions with Nagoya 4-m telescope and found a mass spectrum with power index of 1.7 and a relation of maximum luminosity of IRAS sources with cloud mass.
Masers by vibrationally excited SiO have been used for studying the circumstellar environment as well as the structure of the Galaxy. Jiang et al. [1996a] detected 56 new SiO sources in 181 observed sources located at the outer part of the Galaxy. Izumiura et al. [1998] detected 14 SiO maser sources towards the Galactic center. Shiki et al. [1997] detected 6 new SiO sources (late-type stars) toward the Sgr B2 cloud. Cho et al. [1996] have made multiple line studies of 28SiO and 29SiO in 102 stars. Some of these stars have been studied in the optical and near infrared bands by Jiang et al. [1996b], Jiang et al. [1997], Deguchi et al. [1997]. Fine structure of masers has been studied with VLBI. Imai et al. [1997ab] observed water masers at 22 GHz and found evidence of acceleration (linear drift) of radial velocity of maser spots in RT Vir. The radio continuum emission from four X-ray stars was monitored by Tsutsumi et al. [1996] with NMA and a physical constraint of the inverse-Compton model was considered.
Metal compounds FeCO, NaSH, MgH, MgO, MgOH, CaH, CaOH, and CaO were studied in laboratory and searched for in interstellar space and/or circumstellar envelopes by Kagi et al. [1997] and Sakamoto et al. [1998]. However, none of them have been detected. In a series of papers, Aikawa et al. [1996, 1997] reported theoretical studies on the evolution of the molecular abundance in protoplanetary disks, where adsorption of molecules onto grains as well as the reactions in the gas phase was taken into account.
The physical conditions of molecular gas in galaxies have been investigated by multi-line observations. Matsushita et al. [1998] derived the physical condition of the circumnuclear dense molecular gas from the HCN/13CO ratio. Sakamoto et al. [1997] found the systematic gradient of the 13CO/12CO ratio as a function of the galacto-centric distance in NGC891, and interpreted it in terms of the variation of the dense molecular gas fraction. The relation between the surface density of molecular gas and star forming activity was examined in post-starburst galaxies [Tosaki and Shioya 1997, Shioya et al. 1998] and a flocculent galaxy [Sakamoto 1996].
The NMA has detected thermal molecular emission from AGNs as a probe for a physical condition. The conspicuous work is the detection of CO J=5-4 emission line at millimeter region towards a high redshift quasar BR1202-0725 at z = 4.69 [Ohta et al.1996], followed by CO J=2-1 observations [Ohta et al. 1998]. These results indicate a high-density (103.5-105.5 cm-3) and high kinetic-temperature (50-100 K) of the molecular gas in the early universe. Inoue et al. [1996] found a molecular torus in the center of the active galaxy NGC 1275 (3C 84) with a huge amount (3 x 1011 solar mass) of molecular gas.
Space VLBI observations with VSOP have provided extremely high-resolution (0.5 mas) studies of AGNs [Hirabayashi et al. 1998]. Observations towards a gamma-ray source 1156+295 showed that the brightness temperature exceeds the Compton limit of 1012 K, and proved that the Doppler boosting is working. VSOP images of high-redshift quasars 0014+813 at z = 3.366 identified the core and bending jets.
Acosta-Pulido, J., B. Vila-Vilaro, and I. Perez-Fournon [1997], "The Seyfert Nucleus in the SO Galaxy NGC 5252," Proc. of the ESO-IAC conference, "Quasar Hosts," eds. D. L. Clements and I. Perez-Fournon, pp.288-290.
Aikawa, Y., S. M. Miyama, T. Nakano, and T. Umebayashi [1996a], "Evolution of Molecular Abundance in Gaseous Disks around Young Stars: Depletion of CO Molecules," Astrophys. J., vol.467, pp.684-697.
Aikawa, Y., S. M. Miyama, T. Nakano, and T. Umebayashi [1996b], "Evolution of the Molecular Abundance in Protoplanetary Disks: Depletion of CO Molecules," Proc. of the ESO Workshop, "The Role of Dust in the Formation of Stars," eds. H. U. Kaufl and R. Siebenmorgen, pp.363-366.
Aikawa, Y., S. M. Miyama, T. Nakano, and T. Umebayashi [1997a], "Evolution of the Molecular Abundance in Gaseous Disks around Young Stars: Depletion of CO Molecules," International symposium on "Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies," eds. T. Kajino, S. Kubono, and Y. Yoshii, pp.275-279.
Aikawa, Y., T. Umebayashi, T. Nakano, and S. M. Miyama [1997b], "Evolution of Molecular Abundance in Protoplanetary Disks," Astrophys. J. (Letters), vol.486, pp.L51-L54.
Alissandrakis, C. E., F. Borgioli, F. C. Drago, M. Hagyard, and K. Shibasaki [1996], "Coronal Magnetic Fields from Microwave Polarization Observations," Solar Phys., vol.167, pp.167-179.
Altyntsev, A. T., V. V. Grechnev, and Y. Hanaoka [1998], "On the Microwave Spike Emission of the September 6, 1992 Flare," Solar Phys., vol.178, pp.137-151.
Asai, K., Y. Ishida, M. Kojima, K. Maruyama, H. Misawa, and N. Yoshimi [1995a], "Multi-Station System for Solar Wind Observations Using the Interplanetary Scintillation Method," J. Geomag. Geoelectr., vol.47, pp.1107-1112.
Asai, K., M. Kojima, H. Misawa, Y. Ishida, K. Maruyama, N. Yoshimi, M. Wakasa, and M. Karakida [1995b], "Design of an Asymmetric Parabolic Cylinder Antenna with High Aperture Efficiency," Trans. IEICE, vol.J78-B-II, pp.102-109.
Asai, K., M. Kojima, Y. Ishida, K. Maruyama, N. Yoshimi, H. Misawa, and K. Miyazato [1996], "Calibration of Gain and Phase on the Phased Array System Installed in a Radio Telescope," Trans. IEICE, vol.J79-B-II, pp.994-1002.
Asai, K., M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, A. Yokobe, B. V. Jackson, P. L. Hick, and P. K. Manoharan [1998], "Heliospheric Tomography Using Interplanetary Scintillation Observations, 3. Correlation Between Speed and Electron Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind," J. Geophys. Res., vol.103, pp.1991-2001.
Asaki, Y., M. Saito, R. Kawabe, K. -I. Morita, and T. Sasao [1996], "Phase Compensation Experiments with the Paired Antennas Method," Radio Sci., vol.31, pp.1615-1625.
Asaki, Y., K. M. Shibata, R. Kawabe, D. -G. Roh, M. Saito, K. -I. Morita, and T. Sasao [1998], "Phase Compensation Experiments with the Paired Antennas Method 2. Millimeter-Wave Fringe Correction Using Centimeter-Wave Reference," Radio Sci., vol.33, pp.1297-1318.
Aschwanden, M. J., W. J. Wills, H. S. Hudson, T. Kosugi, and R. A. Schwartz [1996a], "Electron Time-of-Flight Distances and Flare Loop Geometries Compared from CGRO and Yohkoh Observations," Astrophys. J., vol.468, pp.398-417.
Aschwanden, M. J., T. Kosugi, H. S. Hudson, M. J. Wills, and R. A. Schwartz [1996b], "The Scaling Law between Electron Time-of-Flight Distances and Loop Lengths in Solar Flares," Astrophys. J., vol.470, pp.1198-1217.
Aschwanden, M. J., T. Kosugi, H. S. Hudson, M. J. Wills, and R. A. Schwartz [1996c], "The Scaling Law between Electron Time-of-Flight Distances and Loop Lengths in Solar Flares," Bulletin of American Astronomical Society, vol.188, 26.08.
Aschwanden, M. J., R. M. Bynum, T. Kosugi, H. S. Hudson, and R. A. Schwartz [1997], "Electron Trapping and Trap Densities in Solar Flare Loops Measured with COMPTON and YOHKOH," Astrophys. J., vol.487, pp.936-955.
Asif, M. W., C. G. Mundell, A. Pedlar, S. W. Unger, A. Robinson, B. Vila-Vilaro, and J. R. Lewis [1998], "Kinematics of the Dusty Circumnuclear Ring in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151," Astron. Astrophys., vol.333, pp.466-470.
Cepa, J., B. Vila-Vilaro, N. Nakai, K. Kohno, and R. Kawabe [1998], "Star Formation and Molecular Gas in NGC 404," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies," ed. Y. Sofue, pp.241-242.
Chen, H., N. Ohashi, and T. Umemoto [1996], "High-Resolution Millimeter Imaging of L1641N: Multiple Cores with a Young Stellar Group," Astron. J., vol.112, pp.717-722.
Cho, S. -H., N. Kaifu, and N. Ukita [1996a], "SiO Maser Survey of Late-Type Stars. I. Simultaneous Observations of Six Transitions of 28SiO and 29SiO," Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., vol.115, pp.117-149.
Cho, S. -H., N. Kaifu, and N. Ukita [1996b], "SiO Maser Survey of Late-Type Stars II. Statistical Study," Astron. J., vol.111, pp.1987-1999.
Combes, F., T. Wiklind, and N. Nakai [1997], "New Upper Limits on the Interstellar O2 Abundance," Astron. Astrophys., vol.327, pp.L17-L20.
Daishido, T., N. Tanaka, S. Sudo, M. Suzuki, Y. Saito, R. Agehama, M. Adachi, and N. Watanabe [1996], "Design of (2+1+2)D FFT for Interferometric Pulsar Survey," APS Conference Series, "Pulsars: Problems & Progress," eds. S. Jonston, M.A. Walker and M. Bailes, vol.105, pp.19-20.
Deguchi, S., N. Ukita, H. Izumiura, T. Ono, Y. Nakada, T. Onaka, I. Yamamura, and O. Hashimoto [1996], "Results of the SiO Maser Survey of the Galactic Bulge IRAS Sources," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 169, "Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way," eds. L. Blitz and P. Teuben, pp.119-124.
Deguchi, S., S. Shiki, S. Matsumoto, B. W. Jiang, Y. Nakada, and P. R. Wood [1997a], "Infrared Identification of SiO Maser Sources toward the Sgr B2 Molecular Cloud," Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, vol.49, pp.561-569.
Deguchi, S. [1997b], "Molecular Envelopes of Young and Proto PNe," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 180, "Planetary Nebulae," eds. H. J. Habing and H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, pp.151-160.
Deguchi, S., Y. Yamamura, and M. Mizutani [1998a], "ISO-SWS Observations of Stars with Unusual IRAS LRS Characteristics," Proceedings of an International Conference on "ISO's View on Stellar Evolution," eds. L. B. F. M. Waters, C. Waelkens, K. A. van der Hucht and P. A. Zaal, Astrophys. Sp. Sci., vol.255, pp.377-378.
Deguchi, S. [1998b], "SiO Maser Sources in the Galactic Bulge and a Kinematic Signature of the Bar Structure," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies," ed. Y. Sofue, pp.25-26.
Dennis, B. R., C. J. Crannell, G. D. Holman, R. Ramaty, T. T. Von Rosenvinge, A. Benz, P. L. Bornmann, J. C. Brown, R. C. Canfield, A. G. Emslie, S. Enome, T. Kosugi, H. S. Hudson, G. J. Hurford, R. P. Lin, J. C. Ling, N. W. Madden, H. F. Van Beek, and N. Vilmer [1996], "The High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager --- HESSI," Bulletin of American Astronomical Society, vol.188, 70.16.
Devereux, N., Y. Taniguchi, D. Sanders, N. Nakai, and J. S. Young [1997], "12CO(3-2) and (1-0) Emission Line Observations of Nearby Starburst Galaxy Nuclei," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 170, "CO: Twenty-Five Years of Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy," eds. W. B. Latter, S. J. E. Radford, P. R. Jewell, J. G. Mangum and J. Bally, p.412.
Dickens, J. E., W. M. Irvine, C. H. DeVries, and M. Ohishi [1997a], "Hydrogenation of Interstellar Molecules: A Survey for Methylenimine (CH2NH)," Astrophys. J., vol.479, pp.307-312.
Dickens, J. E., W. M. Irvine, M. Ohishi, M. Ikeda, S. Ishikawa, A. Nummelin, and A. Hjalmarson [1997b], "Detection of Interstellar Ethylene Oxide (c-C2H4O)," Astrophys. J., vol.489, pp.753-757.
Ding, M. D., T. Watanabe, K. Shibata,T. Sakurai,T. Kosugi, and C. Fang [1996], "Chromospheric Evaporation in Four Solar Flares Observed by Yohkoh," Astrophys. J., vol.458, pp.391-396.
Dobashi, K., Y. Yonekura, Y. Hayashi, F. Sato, and H. Ogawa [1998], "Interaction Between a Massive Outflow and Dense Gas Associated with IRAS 22142+5206," Astron. J., vol.115, pp.777-786.
Drago, F. C., F. Borgioli, C. E. Alissandrakis, M. Hagyard, and K. Shibasaki [1996], "Coronal Magnetic Fields from Polarization Observations at Microwaves," Proc. of IAU Colloq. 153, "Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere --- Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity," eds. Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H. S. Hudson, pp.443-444.
Eckart, A., M. Cameron, Th. Boller, A. Krabbe, M. Blietz, N. Nakai, S. J. Wagner, and A. Sternberg [1996], "The Starburst in the Wolf-Rayet Nucleus of the Liner NGC 6764," Astrophys. J., vol.472, pp.588-599.
Enome, S. [1996a], "High-Quality Images Based on the Steer Algorithm Deconvolution from the Correlation Data Observed with Nobeyama Radioheliograph," Proc. of IAU Colloq. 153, "Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere --- Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity," eds. Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H. S. Hudson, pp.195-201.
Enome, S. [1996b], "Recent Results from the Nobeyama Radioheliograph in Collaboration with Yohkoh," "Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun," eds. A. R. Taylor and J. M. Paredes, ASP Conf. Ser. 93, pp.405-407.
Falcke, H., W. M. Goss, H. Matsuo, P. Teuben, J. -H. Zhao, and R. Zylka [1998], "The Simultaneous Spectrum of Sagittarius A* from 20 Centimeter to 1 Millimeter and the Nature of the Millimeter Excess," Astrophys. J., vol.499, pp.731-734.
Fujiki, K., H. Nakajima, Y. Hanaoka, K. Yaji, and R. Kitai [1996], "Electron Acceleration Site of the 1992 Sep. 6 Flare," Proc. of IAU Colloq. 153, "Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere --- Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity," eds. Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H. S. Hudson, pp.547-548.
Fukuzawa, K., and Y. Osamura [1997], "Molecular Orbital Study of Neutral-Neutral Reactions Concerning HC3N Formation in Interstellar Space," Astrophys. J., vol.489, pp.113-121.
Furuya, R., R. Kawabe, M. Saito, T. Umemoto, and Y. Kitamura [1998], "VLA Observations of H2O Masers in the Class 0 Protostar S106FIR," Proc. of the IAU Colloq. 164, "Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources," eds. J. A. Zensus, G. B. Taylor, and J. M. Wrobel, ASP Conf. Ser. 144, pp.247-248.
Gary, D. E., H. Wang, N. Nitta, and T. Kosugi [1996], "Microwave and Soft X-ray Emission from a Flare-Activated Coronal Loop," Astrophys. J., vol.464, pp.965-973.
Gopalswamy, N., J. -P. Raulin, M. R. Kundu, N. Nitta, J. R. Lemen, R. Herrmann, D. Zarro, and T. Kosugi [1995], "VLA and Yohkoh Observations of an M1.5 Flare," Astrophys. J., vol.455, pp.715-732.
Gopalswamy, N., M. R. Kundu, Y. Hanaoka, S. Enome, and J. R. Lemen [1996a], "Detection of Large-Scale Radio Structure and Plasma Flow During a Solar Bright Point Flare," Astrophys. J. (Letters), vol.457, pp.L117-L120.
Gopalswamy, N., Y. Hanaoka, M. R. Kundu, S. Enome, and J. R. Lemen [1996b], "Radio and X-ray Manifestations of a Bright Point Flare," AIP Conf. Proc. 374, "High Energy Solar Physics," eds. R. Ramaty, N. Mandzhavidze and X. M. Hua, p.408.
Gopalswamy, N., M. R. Kundu, A. Lara, Y. Hanaoka, S. Enome, J. R. Kemen, and M. Akioka [1996c], "Three Part Structure of a CME Revealed by X-Ray and Microwave Observations," Proc. of a Yohkoh Conf. on "Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere," eds. R. D. Bentley and J. T. Mariska, ASP Conf. Ser. 111, pp.393-397.
Gopalswamy, N., M. R. Kundu, Y. Hanaoka, S. Enome, J. R. Lemen, and M. Akioka [1996d], "Yohkoh/SXT Observations of a Coronal Mass Ejection Near the Solar Surface," New Astronomy, vol.1, pp.207-213.
Gopalswamy, N. Y. Hanaoka, M. R. Kundu, S. Enome, J. R. Lemen, M. Akioka, and A. Lara [1997], "Radio and X-Ray Studies of a Coronal Mass Ejection Associated with a Very Slow Prominence Eruption," Astrophys. J., vol.475, pp.348-360.
Gopalswamy, N., B. J. Thompson, and K. Shibasaki [1998a], "Comparison of Microwave and SOHO Synoptic Maps of the Sun During the Whole Sun Months, 1996," ASP Conference Series 140, "Synoptic Solar Physics," eds. K. S. Balasubramaniam, J. W. Harvey, and D. M. Rabin, pp.401-405.
Gopalswamy, N., K. Shibasaki, C. E. DeForest, B. J. L. Bromage, and G. Del Zanna [1998b], "Multiwavelength Observations of a Coronal Hole," ASP Conference Series 140, "Synoptic Solar Physics," eds. K. S. Balasubramaniam, J. W. Harvey, and D. M. Rabin, pp.363-371.
Gopalswamy, N., and Y. Hanaoka [1998c], "Coronal Dimming Associated with a Giant Prominence Eruptionm," Astrophys. J. (Letters), vol.498, pp.L179-L182.
Greenhill, L. J., J. M. Moran, J. R. Herrnstein, P. J. Diamond, M. Miyoshi, N. Nakai, and M. Inoue [1996], "Dynamical Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 4258," Meeting in held in Baltimore, "The physics of liners in view of recent observations," eds. E. Eracleous, A. Koratkar, C. Leitherer, and L. Ho, ASP Conf. Ser. 103, pp.140-152.
Guelin, M., J. Cernicharo, M. J. Travers, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, M. Ohishi, S. Saito, and S. Yamamoto [1997], "Detection of a New Linear Carbon Chain Radical: C7H," Astron. Astrophys., vol.317, pp.L1-L4.
Hagiwara, Y., K. Fujisawa, P. Edwards, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, H. Kobayashi, and T. Iwata [1996], "Multi-Epoch, Dual-Frequency VLBI Observations of PKS 1830-211 from Japan," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 173 "Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing," eds. C. S. Kochanek and J. N. Hewitt, pp.341-342.
Hagiwara, Y., K. Kohno, R. Kawabe, and N. Nakai [1997], "Detection of a Water-Vapor Megamaser in the Active Galaxy NGC 5793," Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, vol.49, pp.171-177.
Hagiwara, Y., R. Kawabe, N. Nakai, and P. J. Diamond [1998], "The Nuclear Region of a Megamaser in a Southern AGN, NGC 5793: Parsec-Scale Structure and OH Absorption," Proc. of the IAU Colloq. 164, "Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources," eds. J. A. Zensus, G. B. Taylor, and J. M. Wrobel, ASP Conf. Ser. 144, pp.233-234.
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Hanaoka, Y. [1996b], "Flares and Plasma Flow Caused by Interacting Loops," Proc. of IAU Colloq. 153, "Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere --- Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity," eds. Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H. S. Hudson, pp.207-208.
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Hanaoka, Y. [1998], "Activity Caused by Interacting Loops and Evolution of Magnetic Field," Proc. of the Yohkoh 5th Anniversary Symposium on "Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond," eds. T. Watanabe, T. Kosugi, and A. Dterling, pp.197-206.
Handa, T., S. M. Miyama, T. Yamashita, T. Omodaka, Y. Kitamura, M. Hayashi, T. Onishi, R. L. Snell, S. E. Strom, K. M. Strom, M. F. Skrutskie, S. Edwards, N. Ohashi, K. Sunada, M. Saito, Y. Fukui, A. Mizuno, J. -I. Watanabe, and H. Kataza [1997], "A Protoplanetary Gas Disk Search around T Tau Star --- Detection of the Emission around DM Tauri," Proc. of the IAU Symp. 170, "CO: Twenty-five Years Millimeter-wave Spectroscopy," eds. W. B. Latter, S. J. E. Radford, P. R. Jewell, J. G. Mangum, and J. Bally, p.422.
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